March 27, 2012

Oh, Tuesday #2

Blue skies and pastel nails, I'm loving the weather right now. I even went running this week!
In the last photo is the shirt I DIY'd, I think it looks awesome. 

I got soul, but I'm not a soldier

I wonder if anyone still reads this blog.. I'm the first to aknowledge that it isn't a priority for me anymore. On my old account I kept complaining about school, senior year and all that, I complained about how life got in the way. The thing is.. If I put my mind into something, there's nothing that can get in the way of that. I'm only now realizing that, but I'm glad I'm doing so.

To be honest, I somewhat stopped thinking about my clothes for the last couple of weeks, months even. Skinny jeans, some shoes, the first shirt on the drawer. I'm going through some issues at the moment.. and they were getting the best of me. Right now, I'm still an undiagnosed mess, but I'm getting better. I know I am. So, step one, start caring again. And with this, I bring you.. the first outfit post of this account. 

Sweater Mango - Dress Zara
The sun makes it hard not to want to dress up. Pardon the red nose, my allergies are making a comeback. Also.. I cut my hair! I actually cut it a few weeks ago, but since I haven't posted lately, I didn't mention it yet. It's a bit overgrown by now still, I find it lovely.  
All These Things That I’ve Done - The Killers 

March 13, 2012

Oh, Tuesday!

School, my town, food and the result of a boring class. 

My brain instantly connects study with food. Seriously, I can't prepare for Math without Pringles, then there are  white chocolate cookies for Geometry and warm drinks to make me cozy. Strawberries make a great (and healthy!) addition to my addiction. 
Walking around my town a lot.. I have this weird thing for taking snaps of the floor. I find it so pretty, not a great match with my nonexistent coordination though, walking in heels here gets painful real quick.

Got my swag on while listening to this Lana del Rey x Notorious B.I.G. mashup. Give it a listen!